Guarantee & Policy
Am I qualified for a refund & how to claim for a refund?
If customers fail the corresponding exam using our products, they can enjoy full money back in 120 days after the purchase of our product, and enjoy Product Exchange guaranteed policy in 120 days after the purchase. Please contact our customer service before you want to claim exchange or refunds.
Notice: The money back guarantee is not applicable in the following situations:
1. One fails the exam within 7 days after the purchase. Although our Question & Answers are complete enough for you to understand all the knowledge points, yet less than 7 days is too short for you to learn it well.
2. Not corresponding exams. We only ensure refund for those who buy our product and fails the corresponding exams in 120 days. If you failed in not corresponding exams, you will not apply for the refund or exchange.
3. Free exam (No matter fails or wrong choice).
4. Orders out of date. (one year after the purchase date)
5. Products on sale. (Products at reduced prices or free are not covered with guarantee.)
6. Different person. (Candidate’s name is different from payer’s name.)
7. Bundles. (The refund is not valid for bundles.)
8. Guarantee Policy is not applicable to Microsoft, CISSP, EMC, HP, PMP, SSCP, SAP and GIAC exams as we only provide the practice questions for these.
9. Guarantee Policy is not applicable to RHCSA, RHCE, CCIE Lab and OCM Lab exams as these are hand-on lab exams. (We offer actual lab questions but you need to understand and master it.)
For those who give up full refund, would like to offer one free study material exchange (the exchanged material is not qualified for the refund any more). If other cases that are not on the list appear, Reserves Final Interpretation Rights.
How to Claim Refund or Exchange?
If you wants to claim refund or exchange, you should submit the examination score report in PDF format within 7 days after the exam and a filled in Refund Form or Exchange Form to our customer service. Be patient, we will deal with it in 7 working days after your submit.